About Us

Dr. Nuthakki started his journey as a medical student in 2001 at prestigious Guntur Medical college in India. He graduated in first division in 2007 and subsequently immigrated to USA in 2008. In 2009 he prematched at McLaren regional medical center, MSU Flint as internal medicine resident. He graduated from the same program in 2012. Then he joined sound physicians, the largest hospitalist services provider in the nation in 2012, he worked with them for 8 years at multiple locations in various capacities and he was the chief hospitalist/ medical director at Clovis site when he left sound physicians to pursue his fellowship in nephrology. He went to the prestigious UT Houston nephrology program under the director ship of Dr. Finkel. He had Dr. Molony, Dr. Dosekun as his faculty. He worked as a fellow at Memorial Hermann hospital, MDAnderson cancer center and LBJ hospital. He attended glomerulonephritis speciality clinic under the supervision of Dr Khan. He graduated in 2022 and is currently a board certified nephrologist. Dr. Nuthakki also worked with Dr. Gerges and obtained training in several interventional procedures such as temporary & permanent HD catheters placement, AV fistula angioplasties, stent deployments and med port placements. He decided to settle in DFW area with his lovely wife and adorable 2 children. He chose Frisco as an ideal location to establish his private practice in internal medicine and nephrology.

founder's message
My dream is to provide high value patient care. High value patient care is individualized and delivers proven benefits while minimizing risks and unnecessary costs. My goal is to eliminate wasteful health care habits, improve health outcomes and avoids harms in the community I practice medicine in. I am specialized in internal medicine and nephrology. My areas of interest are CKD, HTN, DM type 2, metabolic syndrome, obesity, cardio renal syndrome, Glomerulonephritis and onconephrology. So I decided to start my own clinic to realize this dream of playing a pivotal role in achieving high value patient care, best patient out comes and thus a healthy and a happy community. Please join me in my efforts to march towards a healthier USA.